Introduction to Male Infertility:
Male infertility is the infertility problem caused due to fertility health issues in the male partner. So, in many cases, diagnosis takes time due to a lack of knowledge about the problem that individual is facing, and social reasons, so it’s very important when a couple is going through difficulty in having a baby for more than one year, both the partners need to be evaluated to rule out the cause. One can take Ayurvedic Treatment for Male infertility.
Ayurveda Treatment for Male Infertility:
Ayurvedic Treatment for male infertility can be taken as Ayurveda has a special branch to treat and improve male fertility which is Vajikarana. Vajikarana Promotes sexual capacity and resolves the health condition by improving the physical and psychological health of the individual with a positive result. Vajikarana Therapy makes changes in the diet lifestyle and herbal medications to treat male infertility by improving fertility. Vajikarana is planned after Panchakarma. Panchakarma is planned according to the dosha, prakruti, and bala of the individual.
Dr Rajesh Singh
Dr Pradeep Srivastava
BAMS-Gold Medalist,Phd in Ayurveda | 37 YRS. EXP.
Dr Harshita Sethi
MD (Ayurveda) | 26 YRS. EXP.
Dr S K Pandey
DR Madhusudan Bhatti
Dr B Ranganadh Acharyulu
BAMS,MD (Ayurveda) | 25 YRS. EXP.
Dr Anand Prakash
BAMS,MD (Ayurveda) | 19 YRS. EXP.
Dr Chelimela Srinivas Rao
Dr Vivek Kr Gupta
Dr Sumit Doraya
Ayurvedic Treatment & Home Remedies for Male Infertility:
- Manage Stress: Stress can contribute to infertility. Incorporate stress-reducing practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness into your daily routine.
- Nutritious Diet: Follow a balanced and nutritious diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Adequate intake of vitamins and minerals is essential for reproductive health.
- Triphala: Triphala, a combination of three fruits, is believed to have detoxifying properties. It may help in cleansing the body and supporting overall well-being.
- Milk with Saffron and Dates: Drinking warm milk with saffron and dates is considered nourishing for reproductive health. Saffron is believed to have aphrodisiac properties.
Ayurveda Herbs to Increase Male Fertility:
• Shilajeet: Acts as vajikarana by Improving blood circulation, metabolism, and strength by preventing fatigue and impotency according to age.
• Ashwagandha: Increases Longevity by strengthening the reproductive muscles, boosts libido, and treats erectile dysfunction conditions and male infertility.
- Nutmeg or jaiphal stimulates nerves and improves blood circulation.
- Gokshura improves sperm count, balances testosterone, improves blood circulation treats erection issues.
- Acts as an aphrodisiac by improving blood circulation, stimulating nerves, strength to muscles, and maintaining reproductive health.
Safed musli
- It is an aphrodisiac, it helps to prevent the formation of abnormal sperms in sperm morphology. Improve the quality of sperm.
Ayurvedic Medicines for Reproductive:
Kameshwar Modaka By Hempstreet Sachet of 15 GM
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Shilapravang With Mouktik By Dhootpapeshwar
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What are the Causes of Male Infertility?
Exposure to environmental toxin factors like lead, calcium, mercury, and pesticides results in abnormalities in sperm.
Genetics factors
- Male fertility tends to decline gradually with age, with a notable decrease in sperm quality and quantity as men get older. Advanced paternal age has been associated with an increased risk of genetic abnormalities in offspring.
- Obesity can negatively impact male fertility by affecting hormone levels and sperm quality. It may lead to hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance, contributing to decreased sperm production and motility.
Steroid Over-Usage:
- The excessive use of anabolic steroids, often in the context of bodybuilding, can disrupt the normal production of hormones, including testosterone. This disruption can lead to a decrease in sperm production and fertility issues.
- A varicocele is a swelling of the veins that drain the testicle. It can lead to an increase in testicular temperature, which may adversely affect sperm production and quality.
Testicular Injury:
- Trauma or injury to the testicles can result in impaired sperm production or damage to the reproductive organs, potentially affecting fertility.
Undescended Testis:
- When one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum during fetal development, it can impact sperm production and increase the risk of infertility.
Lifestyle Factors:
- Various lifestyle factors, including smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug abuse, can have detrimental effects on male fertility. These factors can disrupt hormonal balance and negatively impact sperm quality.
What are the symptoms of male infertility?
Symptoms varies from individual to individual depending upon the cause-
- Decreased facial or body hair due to hormonal abnormalities
- Pain, swelling, or a lump in the testicle area
- Abnormal sperm morphology or lower count
- Problems with sexual function like erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation.
- How can be detected for male infertility?
- Routine blood investigation to rule out underlying medical conditions
- Semen Analysis is the basic test to analyze the male infertility condition.
- Semen analysis shows sperm count
- motility
- morphology
- Viscosity
Ayurveda explained male infertility as “Vandhyatwa”, caused due to bheeja dosha, vitiated vata affect shukra dosha causes male infertility.
Vandhyatwa is caused due to shukra dosha, viruddhaarahara, Ativyaayama, Vihaara, and mano vikara.
Diet to increase fertility:
Eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially a vitamin C-rich diet improves overall physical and mental health.
Always have carrot, beetroot, spinach, and whole grains for the overall sexual health issues of males, especially infertility-like conditions.
Milk and cow ghee act as Rasayana and balya to improve fertility and balance the healthy conditions of both body and mind.
Role of yoga in the treatment of male infertility:
Yoga plays an important role in the management of male infertility and other sexual health issues.
Yoga improves blood circulation to pelvic muscles, builds muscular strength, and treats and prevents infertility and other sexual health issues.
Asanas can be practiced are
- Pashchimottasana (Seated Forward Bend): This asana involves sitting on the floor and reaching forward to touch the toes. It stretches the spine, hamstrings, and lower back.
- Ardhamatsendraasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose): This seated twist helps improve flexibility in the spine and hips. It also stimulates digestion and massages internal organs.
- Garudasana (Eagle Pose): Garudasana is a standing pose that involves wrapping one leg around the other and bringing the arms into a crossed position. It improves balance, and concentration, and stretches the shoulders.
- Naukasana (Boat Pose): This asana involves balancing on the sit bones while lifting the legs and upper body. It strengthens the core muscles and improves balance.
- Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose): Pawanmuktasana is a series of variations that involve hugging the knees to the chest while lying down. It helps in relieving gas and improving digestion.
- Baddhakonasana (Butterfly Pose): This seated pose involves bringing the feet together and opening the knees outward. It stretches the inner thighs and groins.
- Shavasana (Corpse Pose): Shavasana is a relaxation pose done by lying flat on the back with legs extended. It promotes deep relaxation and helps in reducing stress and fatigue.
Helps to relax stress,anxiety, and build stamina physically, emotionally, and mentally.
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